Here are some of the critical reasons to help you understand why you must migrate to .NET Core:


The performance of the ASP.NET Core platform is far superior to the older frameworks. However, developers have logged some issues about the performance of static files for websites with heavy traffic. It would help if you took care about it while migrating.

Deployment Processes

The .NET Core’s ability to publish an application with everything that you need offers a much better experience during deployment.

Dependency Injection 

The native support for Dependency Injection makes it much easier to implement the development patterns. Also, training your or customer’s team on the concepts of unit testing and Dependency Injection is effortless in the .NET Core world.

How to Migrate:

Though every project is different from another, the migration process is similar for various types of projects. It includes the following:

Migration from ASP.NET MVC 

It is one of the most straightforward migration methodologies to accomplish. You can break it down into simple and systematic processes.

Creating a new .NET Core projectConverting the startup & initializationMigrating the static content and bundle configurationsMigrating views & actions

You can carry out this process quickly by opening two instances of Visual Studio to migrate the content, change the needed items when you go file-by-file.

Migration from WebForms 

However, there is no migration path available for WebForms developers in the documentation provided by Microsoft. Also, the System. Web namespace dependencies containing all of the WebForms functionality is not available in .NET Core. What it means for a developer is that for WebForms there is no “Migration” but a “Port.”

Mitigating Risk:

There exist several ways to change the development paradigms for making the transition easier:

Implement MVVM (Model–View–View-Model)/Model Binding – The new features of .NET Framework offer support for model binding of web forms. It is more like the MVC way of doing things and helps in lowering the migration burden in the future.Leverage APIs (Application Programming Interface) & Client Side Development – Applications that are build using rich-client development and more API’s like Angular or React have fewer dependencies on WebForms and are seamless to transit..NET Standard Libraries – You can use them for Full Framework as well as for .NET Core. It allows the developers to learn that the code inside that library can work on both the frameworks. It helps in moving the logic to re-usable components.



.NET Core is an excellent technology offering cutting-edge solutions. Contact a custom .NET development company today to migrate your legacy systems to .NET Core though it requires dedication and time to enable the transition but offers lucrative benefits in the long run.